37000 euros for Mountain Rescue Tyrol

75 year Mountain Rescue Tyrol – A review of decades of saving lives

Film tip: Doc 1: Die Bergrettung – Einsatz in den Alpen (Mountain rescue – Operations in the Alps)

Film screening: The Volunteers – The story of an extraordinary mountain rescue partnership
Facts about Mountain Rescue Tyrol
Mountain Rescue Tyrol is a non-profit organisation.
The mountain rescuers work on voluntary basis.
Mountain Rescue Tyrol rely on the support of sponsors and supporting members.
Mountain Rescue Tyrol provides professional help in alpine terrain.
365 days a year
Mountain Rescue Tyrol provides its service around the clock.
365 days a year.
4.600 Members
Mountain Rescue Tyrol counts more than 4600 voluntary members.
91 local offices
Mountain Rescue Tyrol has 91 local offices to reach the accident scene as soon as possible.
3500 rescue operations
The tyrolean mountain rescue teams are called to more than 3500 rescue operations a year.
Training in the Mountain Rescue Tyrol has continued to develop over the decades and has become increasingly comprehensive. After all, it is essential that every member of a rescue team is fully trained. In an emergency, anyone can very quickly find themselves in situations that demand the full potential of their knowledge and skills. Everyone must be able to rely on the others and trust them unconditionally.
Thats why standardised and comprehensive training is the basis of Mountain Rescue Tyrol.
regional power
Mountain Rescue Tyrol is organised as a large association to which the 91 local offices belong. The local offices are divided regionally according to geographical relevance. The density of the local teams ensures that no unnecessary time is wasted on long journeys and that the respective rescue teams know their area down to the last corner. However, this should not obscure the size of the operational areas. For example, there are places with far fewer than 500 inhabitants, but associated operational areas of 250-300 square kilometres.