


Since 2007, the Jamtal training centre has served as a training centre for active and future mountain rescuers.
The hut has been continuously modernised since then, enabling courses to be held using the latest technology. There are probably very few mountain huts where a fibre optic cable runs all the way to the teaching room.

Perfect conditions for training were also created in the area surrounding the hut – be it for rescues from a steep face or the gorge of a torrent. All scenarios can be trained just a step away from the hut. And then there’s the proximity to the 3000 metre peaks of the Silvretta and its mighty glaciers…



The training centre is not easy to reach. Once at the top, however, the joy of the beauty of the location and the obviously perfect conditions for mountain rescue training prevail.

The training centre is located in the Jamtal valley, which runs from Galtür in Paznaun in a southerly direction. It is an impressive 11 kilometres from Galtür to the hut, which can sometimes be a challenge, especially in winter. Be it for course participants who have to ski the route on touring skis, but also for deliveries and general accessibility in the event of avalanche danger.

Yes, it’s not exactly round the corner for many people. But the mountain rescue service was given the unique opportunity to obtain such an object for training purposes by the state of Tyrol. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the costs of training.

die "Wirte"

Christian Eder - Schulleiter

Christian ist Bergführer aus Ginzling und seit 2009 als Ausbilder im Jamtal tätig. Mittlerweile übt er die Rolle als Ausbildungsleiter der Bergrettung Tirol hauptberuflich aus. Zusätzlich zu dieser Aufgabe ist er auch mit der Schulleitung im Ausbildungszentrum Jamtal betraut. Er ist somit für die Koordination und Durchführung der Kurse, für die Kursteilnehmer und für die Logistik rund um die Hütte verantwortlich.

Vinzenz Klimmer - "Hüttenwirt"

Unser Vinzenz ist “Hüttenwirt” und Koch im Ausbildungszentrum Jamtal. Der ehemalige Haubenkoch aus St. Anton zaubert immer wieder Gerichte auf den Tisch, die man in einer solchen Hütte nicht erwartet. Neben der Küche ist Vinzenz für die Einhaltung der Hüttenregeln und die Sauberkeit in allen Bereichen verantwortlich. Am Ende eines Kurses müssen die Teilnehmer die Hütte reinigen. Oberflächliches Putzen geht bei Vinzenz nicht durch.


Once built as a high mountain school for the customs guard, the hut is now the heart of the training activities of Mountain Rescue Tyrol.

The two houses look back on an eventful history. During the Nazi era, many people persecuted by the regime managed to flee to Switzerland. They were supported by local mountain guides who were excellent escape helpers thanks to their local knowledge. The management of the customs guard therefore reacted by building a high mountain school, which was completed in 1941 At this time, up to 40 militarily equipped customs officers were on duty.

After the war, customs officers from all over Austria attended 14-day summer and winter courses in Jamtal. In addition to countless amusing anecdotes, former instructors also remember many tricky situations, for example when they were cut off from the outside world for a week or more due to the weather.

Finally, thanks to the support of the state of Tyrol, the mountain rescue service was able to invest heavily in the training centre. With the ceremonial opening in July 2007, the last chapter of the hut was opened for the time being.


The constantly increasing quality requirements for training, as well as hygiene aspects and, last but not least, the fact that more and more women are joining the mountain rescue service, have made several conversions necessary in recent years. 

Thanks to the generous support of the state of Tyrol, two major structural alterations could be carried out.

In 2015, the roof of the hut was raised by approx. 60 cm and skylights were built underneath. Until then, the crew accommodation had the character of a dark shelter camp. But now it became light and the accommodation was rebuilt, with separate sleeping chambers and cupboards – and with light-coloured wood. 

The original dark attic storage area has been transformed into a friendly, bright team accommodation, where people like to retreat after a long day of training.


Another massive renovation followed in 2020. The interior of the hut was almost completely changed. The kitchen was expanded to include a storage area including a cold room. This change has completely transformed one half of the ground floor. The entrance had to be relocated and one of the original bedrooms had to be replaced.
As a result of this conversion, the storage room can now be accessed via stairs – and not via a floor hatch as was previously the case.

The toilets also had to be relocated due to the kitchen expansion and are now located – separated into women’s and men’s areas – in the basement of the hut.

In general, the sanitary facilities, heating and IT equipment have been completely modernized.