
Old snow fields on hiking trails! Important tips for equipment and tour planning

The hiking and touring season is picking up speed. However, those who are heading up into the mountains should be aware that the paths at high altitudes and in some aspects are still covered in snow. These old snowfields are a source of danger that should not be underestimated. Accidents are currently occurring almost daily.

Below you will find a number of important tips that can minimise the risk:



  • Proper footwear

You should wear robust mountain boots in the mountains right now.

Soft hiking, approach or even trail running shoes are not suitable for walking on or crossing snow fields on hiking trails, especially if they are still frozen in the morning.

  • Snowspikes

This equipment makes it easier to cross snow fields. If these are frozen, however, snowspikes are no longer sufficient. Then you should switch to crampons.

  • Crampons and ice axe

If you are travelling through the Alps, hiking from hut to hut, with crossings saddles or even summits, you should take ice axes and crampons with you. The important thing is that you can deal with it.

  • Rope

Sometimes the snow field can “only” be safely walked on or traversed using rope protection. However, you need to master the technique.

  • Hiking poles

Hiking poles also make it easier to keep your balance on slippery terrain.



  • Correct walking technique

Walking on firn, snow and ice requires an appropriate walking technique

  • And if you still slip?

What can I do to stop the fall if I slip? See video!!!



  • Correct tour planning

The tour you choose has to be suitable for my ability, experience and fitness because of its difficulty. There are numerous information options on various websites!

  • Book a mountain guide

If in doubt as to whether the requirements of the chosen tour are manageable, you should book a mountain guide.

  • Obtain information from the hut owners

You can also get information at the huts on how to walk the trails and what conditions are currently prevailing

  • In case of uncertainty: change route in good time

If you are not sure, you should avoid the passage over the saddle and descend into the valley.